The obligation to draw up a gender equality plan for promoting equality will be extended to early childhood education and care from 1 June 2023
Publication date:25.4.2023 14.50
Rainer Hiltunen started as Ombudsman
Publication date:17.4.2023 11.21
The Annual Report 2021 by the Ombudsman for Equality
Publication date:27.6.2022 15.46
National Non-Discrimination and Equality Tribunal Gender quotas used in University of Jyväskylä student selection process found to violate Finland's Equality Act
Publication date:17.1.2022 12.18
The Finnish Government must ensure the publicity of wages of the future health and social services counties
Publication date:31.8.2021 12.52
Annual Report 2020 by the Ombudsman for Equality has been released
Publication date:11.6.2021 16.45
Gender quotas for physical education teacher's training violate the Equality Act (TAS 217/2017, issued on 7 January 2020)
Publication date:8.1.2020 15.03
Customer Service (Legal Helpline) closed 27 December
Publication date:23.12.2019 17.40
Ombudsman's legal helpline open Mon-Fri 9-11 during the summer time
Publication date:25.6.2019 17.23
Ombudsman for Equality: Equivalent national team compensations would promote equality (issued 14 May, 2019)
Publication date:16.5.2019 19.12
Combatting discrimination and hate speech in election campaigns
Publication date:2.4.2019 18.32
Ombudsman for Equality heard by the Parliament of Finland on 9 January 2019: statement on the report of the Ombudsman for Equality to the Parliament of Finland (issued on 10 January, 2019)
Publication date:1.4.2019 20.48
First report to the Parliament by the Ombudsman for Equality: There are still significant equality issues in Finland (issued on 20 December 2018)
Publication date:1.4.2019 20.29
The Ombudsman for Equality, Ombudsman for Children and Non-Discrimination Ombudsman: A reformation of Trans Act is required to meet the fundamental and human rights (issued 17 May, 2018)
Publication date:21.5.2018 19.55
Family-friendly forerunners: The Ombudsman for Equality encourages employers to develop policies of family leave
Publication date:23.3.2018 17.34
Reconciliation option now incorporated into law: A change to the Equality Act will strengthen the legal protection of individuals experiencing discrimination
Publication date:19.12.2016 15.31
Annual Report 2015 of the Ombudsman for Equality released
Publication date:24.8.2016 16.55
Gender reassignment and student housing
Publication date:8.4.2014 16.54
Annual Report 2012 by the Ombudsman for Equality
Publication date:27.6.2013 14.17
Order MSAH news, columns and statements
Publication date:28.5.2013 17.37
Annual report 2011 by the Ombudsman for Equality
Publication date:3.10.2012 20.18
Ombudsman for Equality: Clearer Prohibition of Discrimination of Gender Minorities in EU and Finland
Publication date:26.9.2012 17.00
The Ombusman for Equality is now on Facebook
Publication date:29.6.2012 21.08
European LGBT survey launched
Publication date:4.4.2012 19.10
Ombudsman for Equality publishes report on the status of gender minorities
Publication date:27.3.2012 20.12
First court ruling on discrimination against transsexual employee
Publication date:31.12.2011 16.08
Annual Report of the Ombudsman for Equality 2010 has been published
Publication date:13.9.2011 19.00
Ombudsman for Equality: the new Parliament must safeguard the status of gender minorities
Publication date:7.6.2011 22.42
Fathers have a right to parenthood, too - even after divorce
Publication date:17.2.2011 14.05
Transgender people increasingly turn to the Ombudsman for Equality
Publication date:20.11.2010 13.05
Nordic ombudsmen for discrimination and equality met in Helsinki
Publication date:29.9.2010 14.02
The Annual Report for 2009 of the Ombudsman for Equality has been published
Publication date:24.6.2010 16.44
New employment and education certificates needed after sex reassignment
Publication date:15.6.2010 13.59
Office of the Ombudsman for Equality becomes a member of Equinet
Publication date:3.11.2009 14.23