The Annual Report for 2009 of the Ombudsman for Equality has been published
As in previous years, in 2009 the Ombudsman for Equality monitored gender equality planning in conjunction with other working life supervision, and conducted visits to workplaces to promote equality. The Ombudsman drew particular attention to the concreteness of gender equality plans and the content of pay surveys. One of the focus areas in monitoring was the quality of gender equality plans at universities of applied sciences.
Suspicions of discrimination in connection with pregnancy and family leave continued as the largest group of cases - after suspicions of discrimination in hiring and pay - that were brought to the Ombudsman. Suspicions of pay discrimination most often involved the public sector. The Ombudsman for Equality was also asked to comment on the operation of educational institutions regarding issues such as selection criteria and the gender-based division into handicraft and woodworking classes.Suspected cases of discrimination concerning goods and services were numerous, relating to the operation of hairdressers and restaurants as well as e.g. to insurance, discounts granted to one gender only and women-only periods at swimming baths and gyms.
In the year under review, transsexuals contacted the Ombudsman for Equality in several cases of suspected discrimination and other problems. Their inquiries concerned, for example, discrimination at work, insurance claims and renewal of school and work certificates.
English summary of the annual report24.06.2010