Written account

A person has the right to receive a written account from the educational institution if the person feels that they have been discriminated against based on gender. The account must be provided without delay.

An account can be requested if someone suspects discrimination e.g. in

  • student selections
  • the evaluation of study performance
  • the organisation of teaching
  • other regular activity of the educational institution.

The aim of the account is to help the student to assess whether or not the actions of the educational institution can be considered discrimination under the Equality Act. Receiving an account also helps to reduce the amount of unnecessary processing by authorities and legal proceedings.

The educational institution also has a duty to provide a written account if a student feels that they have been subjected to sexual or gender-based harassment. In this case the account must demonstrate which measures the educational institution has taken to eliminate the harassment.

If the educational institution refuses to provide an appropriate written account, you can contact the Ombudsman for Equality.


An educational institution that has violated the prohibitions of discrimination can be sentenced to pay compensation.

A person who feels that they have been discriminated against by an educational institution in violation of the Equality Act can bring an action for compensation against the educational institution. The legal action is to be instituted in the magistrate's court whose jurisdiction encompasses the educational institutions general forum.

Action to demand compensation