Agreeing on clear measures
The agreed development areas and measures to promote equality, which should be as concrete as possible, must be based on the assessment carried out in the educational institution, and they are always chosen based on the educational institution's needs.
This constitutes ongoing development work with the aim to find answers for questions that arise. It is better to focus on eliminating a few issues efficiently, rather than trying to solve too many issues at once. In addition to measures that have been collectively agreed upon, it is also beneficial to nominate the parties who will be in charge of eliminating the chosen issues, measures to eliminate them, persons in charge of these measures, and a schedule for eliminating the issues.
The measures can be focused e.g. on the educational institution's operating methods, pedagogy, study materials or student counselling. The measures can also include increasing the knowledge on equality matters.
It is also recommended that the educational institution drafts clear instructions regarding sexual and gender-based harassment. The instructions should, among other things, include information on what sexual or gender-based harassment is, what victims of harassment or people who have observed harassment can do, who they can turn to and how the educational institution's staff must act in these situations.