Annual Report of the Ombudsman for Equality 2010 has been published

The Ombudsman for Equality received a lot of contacts from people during 2010.  Most often the reason for contacts was still discriminatory situations in working life. It appears that discrimination based on pregnancy and parenthood has become a lasting problem on the Finnish labour market. 

The promotion of gender equality was monitored at workplaces and educational institutions; at educational institutions the monitoring was mostly aimed at the upper secondary level. The survey discloses that there are considerable defects in gender equality plans in particular as regards the provision of the Equality Act that the plan must be drawn up in cooperation with the personnel and students.  

Gender equality issues regarding persons belonging to gender minorities were an important part of the work of the Ombudsman for Equality in 2010. Together with occupational safety authorities the Ombudsman issued, for instance, a recommendation that new testimonials of service should be given after reassignment of a person's gender.

Annual Report 2010 by the Ombudsman for Equality in English:

Annual report 2010 (pdf, 1243 kB)

