Gender equality in hairdressing customer service (TAS/228/2024 and TAS/373/2024, issued 22 October 2024)
Publication date:15.11.2024 12.15
City X did not change transgender child’s username in the school systems (TAS/706/2023, issued on 6 September 2024)
Publication date:17.10.2024 11.57
Statement to the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health on the draft Government action plan for gender equality 2024–2027 (VN/27297/2023, issued on 10 October 2024)
Publication date:14.10.2024 12.57
HE 85/2024 vp Government proposal to Parliament for legislation on the promotion of local agreement
Publication date:8.10.2024 16.11
Fixed-term employment contract not extended due to family leave (TAS/212/2024, issued on 11 July 2024)
Publication date:8.10.2024 14.51
Government Proposal 60/2024 vp. to the Parliament of Finland on the amendment of section 6 of the Limited Liability Companies Act and section 2 of the Chambers of Commerce Act (TAS/571/2024, issued on 18 September 2024)
Publication date:24.9.2024 17.12
Prohibition of discrimination on grounds of parenthood in the award of employment benefits (TAS/667/2023 of 9 July 2024)
Publication date:12.9.2024 14.58
Government proposal for an act amending the Act on Mediation in Labour Disputes is contrary to the objectives of the Constitution of Finland and the Equality Act (VN/30511/2023; TAS/365/2024, issued on 11 July 2024)
Publication date:11.7.2024 15.41
Statement on the Government Proposal pertaining to criminalising female genital mutilation and its preparation and other matters (TAS/251/2024, issued on 22 May 2024)
Publication date:18.6.2024 12.59
Statement on the Government Report on the General Government Fiscal Plan for 2025–2028 (VNS 2/2024 vp.) (TAS/304/2024, issued on 13 May 2024)
Publication date:15.5.2024 16.17
Considering gender diversity in gendered facilities and services (TAS/418/2023, issued on 30 April 2024)
Publication date:7.5.2024 16.23
Suspected discrimination based on pregnancy in recruitment (TAS 543/2023, issued on 25 January 2024)
Publication date:7.5.2024 14.43
Statement on clarifying criminal liability for forced marriage (TAS/164/2024, issued on 19 April 2024)
Publication date:26.4.2024 12.57
Discrimination based on pregnancy when renewing a fixed-term employment contract (TAS/493/2023, issued on 24 January 2024)
Publication date:26.4.2024 12.48
Interpretation of the Act on Equality between Women and Men and the Pregnant Workers Directive 92/85/EEC: right to return to work within 14 weeks of the start of pregnancy leave (TAS 697/2023, issued on 13 March 2024)
Publication date:19.4.2024 10.27
Information on gender identity on Wikipedia (TAS/525/2023, issued on 22 January 2024)
Publication date:28.2.2024 11.51
Conversion therapy is discriminatory and should be prohibited by law (TAS 96/2024, issued on 23 February 2024)
Publication date:27.2.2024 13.11
Suspected discrimination of a transgender person in recruitment (TAS 432/2022, issued on 5 July 2023)
Publication date:9.1.2024 13.56
Right to a performance bonus during family leave (TAS 301/2023, issued on 05 January 2024)
Publication date:8.1.2024 9.01
The absence of a student due to pregnancy and family leave must also be taken into account in the open path studies of universities of applied sciences (TAS/538/2023, issued on 23 November 2023)
Publication date:8.12.2023 8.09
Statement on the government proposal for amending certain social security acts (HE 75/2023 vp) ) (TAS 682/2023, issued 7.11.2023)
Publication date:9.11.2023 20.36
Statement on the government proposal to Parliament for an Act amending the Act on the Promotion of Immigrant Integration (VN/8329/2023) (TAS 581/2023, issued on 23 October 2023)
Publication date:6.11.2023 14.58
Statement on the government proposal for acts amending the Unemployment Security Act and certain other acts (TAS 664/2023, issued 26.10.2023)
Publication date:30.10.2023 16.49
Budget proposal for 2024 (HE 41/2023 vp.) and General Government Fiscal Plan for 2024–2027 (TAS 628/2023, issued on 16 October 2023)
Publication date:17.10.2023 16.19
The Ombudsman for Equality no longer considers the different requirements for the appearance of women and men in the Finnish Defence Forces and Finnish Border Guard to be justified (TAS 332/2023, issued on 10 October 2023)
Publication date:11.10.2023 12.20
Trans hate material distributed into mailboxes (TAS 397/2023, issued on 7 September 2023)
Publication date:8.9.2023 14.06
Suspicion of discrimination based on family responsibilities when terminating an employment contract (TAS 512/2022, issued on 9 May 2023)
Publication date:28.8.2023 17.37
Impacts of pregnancy and family leave on continuing fixed-term employment (Ombudsman for Equality, TAS 320/2023, issued on 5.7.2023)
Publication date:5.7.2023 16.28
Employer duty to investigate suspected harassment (Ombudsman for Equality, TAS 30/2023, issued on 05.06.2023)
Publication date:4.7.2023 16.21
Statement regarding the Social Security Committee's report on the social security reform (Ombudsman for Equality, TAS 189/2023, issued on 23.05.2023)
Publication date:27.6.2023 12.50
Right to performance bonus of an employee on family leave (Statement by the Ombudsman for Equality, TAS 642/2022, issued on 20 June 2023)
Publication date:21.6.2023 10.59
Assigning tasks that include physical restraint to male employees (TAS 176/2023, issued on 5.6.2023)
Publication date:19.6.2023 15.57
Filling positions in the Finnish Border Guard without an open application procedure must not restrict the rights of those suspecting discrimination (TAS 220/2023, issued on 11 May 2023)
Publication date:19.5.2023 9.52
Different lifting restrictions in schools' work experience instructions (TAS 403/2022, issued on 24 April 2023)
Publication date:2.5.2023 11.06
Adherence to the quota principle is mandatory in municipally owned companies and recommended in bodies for exerting influence in wellbeing services counties (TAS 427/2022, issued 13 February 2023; TAS 182/2023, issued 29 March 2023)
Publication date:24.4.2023 15.23
The school and education provider has not only the right, but also the obligation to intervene in harassment and discriminatory behaviour (TAS 89/2023, issued on 21 February 2023)
Publication date:6.3.2023 12.46
The composition of the council of an association of municipalities must be assessed as a separate unit (TAS 78/2022, issued on 7 December 2022)
Publication date:18.1.2023 16.10
Statement on the Government Equality Policy Report (VNS 5/2022 vp., issued on 29 November 2022)
Publication date:30.11.2022 14.56
Statement on the Ministry of Justice's memorandum on the regulation of online targeting and shaming under criminal law (TAS 530/2022, issued 31 October 2022)
Publication date:24.11.2022 15.30
Ombudsman for Equality's statement to the Legal Affairs Committee of Parliament on the government proposal for an Act on the affirmation of gender and related acts (TAS 516/2022, issued on 17 October 2022)
Publication date:21.10.2022 15.00
Statement on the Government's budget proposal to Parliament for 2023 (HE 154/2022 vp.)
Publication date:19.10.2022 15.40
Statement on the government proposal for an Act amending the Non-Discrimination Act and related acts
Publication date:19.10.2022 15.09
The granting of a single bonus point to female applicants in the student selection for basic Border Guard training is justified (TAS 110/2022, issued on 1 September 2022)
Publication date:30.9.2022 13.56
Case of suspected harassment at the Olympic team preparation camp for the Tokyo Summer Olympics (TAS 156/2022, issued on 20 June 2022)
Publication date:20.6.2022 17.13
Statement to the Employment and Equality Committee of Parliament on the Non-Discrimination Ombudsman's Report to Parliament 2022 (K 7/2022 vp) (TAS 270/2022)
Publication date:10.6.2022 16.32
The impact of family leave on performance bonuses (TAS 518/2020, issued 11 November 2021)
Publication date:6.6.2022 12.03
Statement on the draft Government proposal for an act amending the Act on Equality Between Women and Men (increasing pay transparency) (TAS 207/2022, issued on 2 June 2022)
Publication date:3.6.2022 11.12
Statement on the draft Government proposal to extend the gender equality planning obligation to early childhood education and care (TAS 192/2022, issued on 25 May 2022)
Publication date:31.5.2022 16.18
Statement of the Ombudsman for Equality to the Employment and Equality Committee of Parliament on the Ombudsman for Equality’s Report to Parliament 2022 (TAS 249/2022, issued on 24 May 2022)
Publication date:25.5.2022 17.55
Summary of reports concerning the partial reform of the Non-Discrimination Act (VN/3528/2021) (TAS 159/2022, issued on 19th May 2022)
Publication date:23.5.2022 12.31
Statement to the Education and Culture Committee of Parliament on the Ombudsman for Equality's 2022 report to Parliament (K 1/22 vp) (TAS 235/2022, issued on 12 May 2022)
Publication date:16.5.2022 10.42
Training for female scriptwriters (TAS 300/2021, issued on 16 February 2022)
Publication date:2.5.2022 13.02
Statement on the draft Government proposal for the amendment of section 1 of the Personal Files Act (wellbeing services counties and joint authorities, pay publicity) (TAS 620/2021, issued on 17 January 2022)
Publication date:2.5.2022 12.46
Statement to the Employment and Equality Committee regarding the Government report on changes in the security environment (VNS 1/2022 vp.) (TAS 205/2022, issued on 27 April 2022)
Publication date:29.4.2022 16.01
Statement concerning the draft Government proposal for the act on legal recognition of gender and amendments to related legislation (TAS 98/2022, issued on 1 April 2022)
Publication date:5.4.2022 17.48
Statement to the Ministry of Finance concerning the reform of the personal identity code system and gender-neutral personal identity codes (TAS 8/2022, issued on 3 March 2022)
Publication date:9.3.2022 17.30
Statement to the Ministry of Justice concerning the punishability of forcing a person into marriage (criminalisation of forced marriages) (TAS 573/2021, issued on 14 January 2022)
Publication date:9.3.2022 17.07
Statement of the Ombudsman for Equality to the parliamentary Employment and Equality Committee on the Government of Finland Report on Human Rights Policy (VNS 10/2021 vp) (TAS/79/2022, issued on 18 February 2022)
Publication date:2.3.2022 15.34
The duty of authorities to promote equality not properly realised when constructing sports facilities (TAS 108/2021, issued on 20 January 2022)
Publication date:16.2.2022 14.32
Pay gap resulting from a lower salary increase in connection with transfer of business (TAS 19/2021, issued on 26 November, 2021)
Publication date:26.1.2022 14.38
University user IDs and individuals affirming their gender (TAS 463/2021, issued on 20 January 2022 and TAS 306/2020, issued on 3 September 2020)
Publication date:20.1.2022 13.41
Statement concerning the programme for reforming legislation and practices related to alternating residence of children (TAS 581/2021, issued on 03 January, 2022)
Publication date:19.1.2022 12.08
Suspected discrimination in connection with recruitment of assembly workers (TAS 303/2021, issued on 23 November, 2021)
Publication date:19.1.2022 11.41
Application of the quota requirement in the composition of a school board (TAS 442/2021, issued on 29 November, 2021)
Publication date:22.12.2021 12.37
Opinion to the Parliamentary Committee on Employment and Equality and the Defence Committee on Women’s Voluntary Military Service (HE 182/2021 vp.) (TAS 560/2021, issued on 15 November, 2021)
Publication date:19.11.2021 16.16
Application of the quota provision to the Judicial Appointments Board and the Judicial Training Board (TAS 473/2021, issued on 26 October, 2021)
Publication date:15.11.2021 15.08
Statement to the Legal Affairs Committee of Parliament on the amendment of the Criminal Code of Finland and taking gender into account as grounds for increasing the punishment (HE 7/2021 vp.) (TAS 525/2021, issued on 27 October 2021)
Publication date:1.11.2021 11.47
Statement for the Parliament's Employment and Equality Committee on the family leave reform (HE 129/2021 vp.) (TAS 509/2021, issued on 14 October 2021)
Publication date:22.10.2021 15.19
Statement of the Ombudsman for Equality for the Employment and Equality Committee on the Government Proposal to the Parliament on amending the Act on the Ombudsman for Equality (HE 123/2021 vp) (TAS 481/2021, issued on 6 October 2021)
Publication date:11.10.2021 15.08
Statement to the parliamentary Employment and Equality Committee on the report on internal security (VNS 4/2021 vp) (TAS 437/2021, issued on 16 September 2021)
Publication date:20.9.2021 17.28
Suspected discrimination in connection with crisis management recruitment (TAS 282/2021, issued on 31 August 2021)
Publication date:20.9.2021 13.44
Continuation of employment of a fixed-term employee who had graduated from apprenticeship training (TAS 345/2020, issued on 15 July 2021)
Publication date:6.9.2021 15.12
Opportunity for pregnancy-related examinations during working hours for women only (TAS 315/2021, issued on 24 June 2021)
Publication date:27.8.2021 15.29
The Finnish motorsports association Suomen Moottoriliitto and women’s motocross competition classes (TAS 136/2021, issued on 7 June 2021)
Publication date:19.8.2021 15.06
Statement to the Grand Committee of the Finnish Parliament concerning the Government Report on EU policy (VNS 7/2020 vp) (TAS 152/2021, issued on 19 May 2021)
Publication date:19.8.2021 11.32
Statement on the Government proposal for a Parenthood Act (TAS 180/2021, issued on 6 May 2021)
Publication date:19.5.2021 16.05
The Finnish Government’s Education Policy Report and gender equality (TAS 248/2021, issued on 6 May 2021)
Publication date:19.5.2021 15.42
Statement on the family leave reform (TAS 109/2021, issued on 1 April 2021)
Publication date:22.4.2021 12.19
Application of the quota provision on the composition of the Council for Gender Equality’s municipal elections working group (TAS 118/2021; TAS 123/2021; TAS 159/2021)
Publication date:20.4.2021 14.57
Statement on reindeer herders’ right to stand-in help, particularly during family leave (TAS 134/2021, issued on 18 March 2021)
Publication date:6.4.2021 17.19
Inequality between parents in alternating residence arrangements (TAS 40/2021, issued on 15 March 2021)
Publication date:6.4.2021 16.53
Equation of a woman in voluntary military service with a man in conscript service (TAS 112/2021, issued on 8 March 2021)
Publication date:6.4.2021 16.05
Lay-off and right to family leave of an employee on family leave (TAS 310/2020, issued on 3 February 2021)
Publication date:6.4.2021 15.12
Statement on the Government proposal on legislation concerning the establishment of counties and the reform of health, social and rescue services (HE 241/2020 vp) (TAS 126/2021, issued on 10 March 2021)
Publication date:11.3.2021 15.06
Statement on the Government report on development needs in promoting integration (TAS 72/2021, issued on 9 March 2021)
Publication date:9.3.2021 13.58
Statement on the Government proposal for amending the Act on the Non-Discrimination Ombudsman (TAS 44/2021, issued on 4 March 2021)
Publication date:5.3.2021 17.00
Statement regarding the preparation of the Government's Equality Policy Report (TAS 561/2021, issued on 20 January 2021)
Publication date:8.2.2021 17.17
Statement on the dissolution of a forced marriage by annulment (TAS 478/2020, issued on 1 December 2020)
Publication date:8.2.2021 14.53
Beauty care services offered solely to women (TAS 37/2020, issued on 27/11/2020)
Publication date:8.2.2021 14.43
Right of a university of applied sciences language teacher in the technology field to an availability supplement (TAS 183/2020, issued on 15.2.2020)
Publication date:4.2.2021 16.54
Performance bonus was denied due to parental leave at the time of payment (TAS 108/2020, issued on 26 August 2020)
Publication date:1.2.2021 14.42
Discounted beauty care services offered solely to women (TAS 388/2020, issued on 17 November 2020)
Publication date:1.2.2021 14.14
Restaurant drinks offer discriminated on the basis of gender expression (TAS 357/2020, issued on 23 October 2020)
Publication date:1.2.2021 13.23
Statement on the comprehensive reform of sexual offence legislation (TAS 370/2020, issued on 30 September 2020)
Publication date:22.12.2020 19.47
Amendment of the right to bring charges for menace from the perspective of gender equality (TAS 226/2020, issued on 10 August 2020)
Publication date:22.12.2020 19.28
Statement to the Education and Culture Committee on the Government's proposal regarding the Compulsory Education Act (Oppivelvollisuuslaki 1214/2020) (TAS 459/2020, issued on 5 November 2020)
Publication date:10.12.2020 14.01
Statement on the budget proposal for 2021 (TAS 422/2020, issued on 14 October 2020)
Publication date:26.10.2020 16.49
Health and social services: Statement on the Government proposal on legislation concerning the establishment of counties and the reform of health, social and rescue services (TAS 257/2020, issued on 25 September 2020)
Publication date:26.10.2020 16.29